
Top 7 Tips For Packing Light And Packing Right

Pack like a proWith all the new luggage regulations and extra charges for multiple bags, it’s more important than ever to make sure you pack smart. Once you learn how to pack less and pack the right things you will never want to go back to your old ways again!

So here are the Top 7 Do’s and Don’t for Packing Light and Packing Right:

1. Don’t think you need to pack one outfit per day

It may be hard to admit, but the fact is, since most of us shower every day, our clothes don’t get all that dirty or sweaty. Think twice about having the exact number of outfits to match the exact number of days. A couple less won’t hurt.

2. Do plan your outfits around your shoes

How many times have you laid out all your clothes only to realize you’ll need to take 5, 6, 7, or more pairs of shoes to make them work? Shoes waste a lot of valuable space. Always start with the 2-3 pairs you will be taking and work all your outfits around them, instead of the other way around.

3. Do make sure you pick outfits that color coordinate

Create wardrobe capsules (grouping of items that work together) in neutral colors like black, white, cream, grey, and brown. That will give you the base to start with. Then you only have to throw in a few colorful scarves, tops, and accessories to liven everything up and change your look.

4. Don’t choose fabrics that are high maintenance

Linen pants and starched cotton wrinkle after a few hours. Pick fabrics that have some stretch in them like nylon, so you don’t end up looking like you’ve been sleeping in your clothes. Another great thing about non-wrinkle clothing. You can roll them up in a ball and gently squeeze them into your suitcase – real space savers!

5. Do use large ziplock bags and label them

Keep items as pj’s in one bag, clean underwear in another, and dirty items in another. Another trick is if you’re taking two suitcases, slowly transfer the dirty clothes to one case as the days go on. Then halfway through the trip, if you are traveling from one place to another, you’ll only have to lug one suitcase from the car to the hotel room; the one with the clean clothes!

6. Don’t forget the stain remover

If you’ve ever spilled something on your favorite new outfit while on vacation, you probably know the frustration of having to hunt around in a foreign city to find some stain remover. What a nuisance! Be sure to pack a tiny bottle of laundry stain remover when you travel. A small amount of dish-washing soap to cut grease also works wonders. Both come in very handy to help lessen stains until you can get home and do a proper wash.

7. Don’t leave home without a pretty pashmina that matches your outfit

The weather is so unpredictable, and pashmina is light to pack but very warm. Pashmina also can take you from day to night, and they dress up a plain outfit in case you suddenly find yourself going somewhere fancy.

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5 thoughts on “Top 7 Tips For Packing Light And Packing Right

  1. I am going to Pennsylvania in September and will be flying. Is it possible for me to get all that I need in a personal bag? I stay with family so I can do laundry every five days. I do not want to spend $35 each way to bring a checked bag! What do you think?

    1. Hi Karen, yes, I think you can if you plan out your wardrobe in advance. Base your outfits on three colors you can mix and match—layer what you are wearing on the plane. You can even carry a big tote as your purse and tuck your smaller bag in the tote. That way, you have some extra room to put some stuff in your tote. I hope that helps! Cheers, Deb

  2. I used to pack 2 large suitcases for a 3-week-long business trip. I kept track of what I wore on the last 3 business trips. I was shocked at how few things I wore. Based on the list I compiled, I was able to get everything I needed plus some gifts to leave behind into one small suitcase this time. I have been here in China since Sunday and so far the only thing I regret not packing is a hair blower. This time I am visiting our new factory in a small town in Henan province and staying in the company dorm. No hairdryer was provided. I am making a note of this and, if my itinerary includes coming back here next time, will either ensure in advance that they have one available for me to use or I will pack it.
    I coordinate all the pieces that I bring, but I travel with very little jewelry as it tends to be heavy. I bring one or two pieces that will go with several items. In winter I do bring lightweight silk scarves to accessorize with. And I always have a couple of pashminas with me. I generally take a black one on the plane with me (one of my best colors) and then pack another color one in the suitcase. If I am going somewhere hot, the second one may even be a lightweight silk or cotton scarf, as opposed to a warmer pashmina. Just something to take the chill off my shoulders in A/C or late evening.

    I brought lightweight workout shoes, which can double as streetwear if I get time to do any sightseeing, a pair of black sling-back heels, and my faithful Naot “Michelle’s”. Great design with support in both the arch and front foot. Hotels here all supply lightweight disposable slippers and I usually pack a few extra pairs from home for use at hotels and on planes.

    I bring enough underwear for a few days and wash what I wear each day or let it pile up for a day or two if I think it won’t dry in time to be packed for my next move.

    I also pack small size toiletry items. It saves a lot of room and weight.

    Packing light has turned out to be easier than I thought.

  3. Great advice if you can afford to travel these days! $15 a checked bag and counting.
    I think I’ll practice packing and be ready if I have a sudden reversal of fortune!