Body Type

5 Bra Fit Tips To Look Ten Years Younger (And 10 pounds slimmer)

I’m often asked if I know of any secret weapons for looking younger. Is there a unique face cream or some cool, new fashion trend that women over 40 need to wear? The answer is surprisingly simple and can make an instant difference. Update your bra!

Picture a tired, frumpy-looking woman, and I guarantee that a saggy bustline instantly comes to mind. You look old lady when you are hanging low, spilling out of the sides of your bra, or you’ve got a matronly uni-boob going on.

Perky is youthful, which is why it’s so essential you tweak your chic® and wear the right bra.

So that you know what to look for in a bra, I’ve partnered with Playtex to bring you some bra fit tips. Playtex recently came out with a new collection of the prettiest bras. Not only do they look gorgeous, but they give you a fabulous fit with four-way support. And did I mention that the colors are soft and heavenly?

So here’s what you need to know to look at your Breast! (Oops, I mean best!) 

bras playtex

1. Get a Professional Fit

It’s no surprise that your breasts now are not the same ones you had when you were younger, so your bra needs to be different too. Changes in weight and hormone fluctuations due to pregnancy and menopause make mature breasts more fatty and pendulous.

You’ve probably heard that up to 85% of women wear the wrong bra size! Since no two busts or bras are alike, it’s essential to be fitted by a professional. Believe me; you’ll be shocked at this difference in getting the right fit!

2. Make Sure Your Band is Snug

A loose bra band will make your bust droop. Your brand should be snug (you should only be able to fit two fingers inside of it) and fastened on the farthest set of hooks.

As your bra stretches, you can gradually tighten the hooks. Also, ensure your bra band doesn’t ride up your back and cause bulging. It must lie flat, around the middle of your back, to keep your breasts from heading south.

beige bra

3. Say No to Overflow

Do your cups runneth over? Do you know that flabby tissue at the sides of your bra? That’s breast tissue, and it belongs in your bra cup. If you find it spilling out, you need to scoop it up and in, and if that doesn’t work, get another bra.

Space at the top of your cup? You need a smaller size. A full cup appears more youthful.

4. Keep to the Centre

Here’s a fit trick. As you dress, lean forward and spill your breasts into your bra. Slowly stand and adjust your nipples to sit in the cups’ center. The center of the bra should lie flat against your breastbone. That goes for underwire bras too.

lace bra

5. Hoist Them High

This is my favorite and most important tip. Get the girls up and off your midlife tummy. Not only will your bust look livelier and more youthful, but you will look ten pounds slimmer.

Aim to have your bust sit midway between your shoulders and elbows for maximum perkiness.

Remember, a well-fitting bra makes your bust look perky and improves your posture. The taller and straighter you look, the younger and slimmer you will look too.

The Playtex bras featured in this post can be purchased at Macy’s.   

*This is a Sponsored Post. I received product/compensation in exchange for the review. All opinions are mine.

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7 thoughts on “5 Bra Fit Tips To Look Ten Years Younger (And 10 pounds slimmer)

  1. Wow, this is a great tip! I didn’t know about leaning forward to find the appropriate fit; I always thought about just standing straight. Great advice you have here. Thank you for this post!

    1. Hi Deb, If you are spilling out of the sides of your cups, then it sounds like you need a giant cup. Try a professional bra fitting at your nearest lingerie shop to solve this problem. It’s incredible how the right bra can make a difference.

  2. Great idea. I’m young..and can’t remember the last time I was professionally fitted for a bra. At this time, I wear ( buy) a 36C. I’ll let you know the results! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your staff. We all appreciate ..and love..this website …and LADIES, this is the time to get your new bras. Everything everywhere is on sale today ..Happy Shopping !!