Can We Wear Shimmer In Our Makeup After 40?

It’s always confusing to know what kind of eye make-up to wear over 40.

A blogger was at the makeup counter recently and asked the woman behind the counter if it was Ok for women over 40 to wear shimmery eyeshadow. The woman’s reply was “Why YES!, you can shimmer all you want after 40. You just don’t want to sparkle!”


shimmery eyeshadow


I was curious what the difference was between shimmer and sparkle was, and asked The Makeover Guy, Christopher Hopkins.

Here is what he said:

“I agree. A little shimmer in the right places can be very effective. (Key: right place). The brow bone, a touch in the eye lid, a soft shimmer in lip color. It’s the size of the particles, really. It’s like eggshell vs. matte vs. gloss. But it is pretty difficult to tell how much shimmer something has until you’ve worn it for a few hours and it has settled into ‘areas’ we’d rather not accentuate with shimmer or shine.”

If in doubt, save the shimmer for the evening, and drop highly frosted or seriously shiny makeup altogether.

Christopher Hopkins is the author of Staging Your Comeback: A Complete Beauty Revival for Women Over 45

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3 thoughts on “Can We Wear Shimmer In Our Makeup After 40?

  1. I am getting close to 40 (I am 36) and reality hit when I notice how different I started to look with my favorite accessory glitter! Definitely, you can wear it any age, but you do have to take care as you get older, now I notice. It’s like finding the right mini-skirt once you hit over 25!

  2. I agree w/Katie…too much is too much regardless of age (although it does look even more pathetic on aging women). Why does makeup have to shimmer? We should notice the woman, not her makeup.