Take 10 Years Off in 10 Minutes!

Are you a potential Glam Gal?? Kind of a half-baked cookie that looks pretty good for her age, but with a few more minutes in the oven, you could be, oh, SO much more YUMMMY!!!

I think it’s too much work to go that extra mile. Then think again.

Here are seven simple things you can do to take ten years off in 10 minutes and make yourself look Fabulous!

1. Lower your Neckline

An easy way to turn back the clock a few years is to open up your neckline. Steer clear of tops and t-shirts that sit at the collarbone and opt for lower rounded necklines and v-necks. Another great option is to try a wrap top which will create the illusion of sexy. Add a camisole to peek out at the V-neck if you find that too low. A chunky necklace also helps to fill in the bareness.

2. Layer Your Hair

Want to keep your hair long, but don’t look like you are desperate to hang onto your youth. Then try this simple trick. Layer your hair. Too many older women with long hair wear it straight like they are still in high school. Follow the lead of celebs like Terri Hatcher, Cindy Crawford, Goldie Hawn, Jaclyn Smith, and Renee Russo, and add a little bounce with a good cut and a few layers to frame the face and create volume.

3. Get Rid of the Glitter

What is it about some women that make them want to light themselves up like a Christmas tree- even during the daytime? We’re talking about those 40+ gals that go overboard with glitter and sparkles, thinking shiny will make them look young. Maybe this is a problem that comes with declining eyesight after 40??? Whatever the reason, we encourage you to look a little closer. Too much flash can age a gal. If you want to sparkle, do it with your jewelry, and keep the glitz on your garments to a minimum.

4. Forgo the Frosted Make up

Some gals who would never wear glittery clothes think nothing of frosted makeup. But you know it’s the same thing. And it’s no help that the makeup companies love to put frost in everything from eye shadow to blush to lipstick to bronzer. Although it can be tempting to wear frost, know that frosted eye shadow shows up all the little fine lines and creases. If you must, just dab it on the right below the brow for a lovely evening shimmer, but other than that, you’d be smart to steer clear.

5. Pass on Small Prints

Conjure up an image of a little dowdy old lady, and you probably visualize a granny in a tiny flower print dress. Small prints (especially ones with little flowers) can look matronly. And, if you have some meat on your bones, small prints will make you look heavy. Got the picture??!!

6. Pass on Pearl and Gold Buttons

Many of you are attached to your favorite old cardigans with pearl buttons and shiny gold buttons, but these look old-fashioned and too conservative for a true Glam Gal. Instead, opt for sweaters with modern plain flat buttons. And don’t forget you can always replace buttons too. A beautiful button on a simple shirt can create a knock-out look.

7. Exfoliate, Exfoliate, Exfoliate

So easy to do and so often overlooked, exfoliating your skin can make dull aging skin glow! Once a week will keep your skin looking fresh and flawless. We love Estee Lauder’s Idealist Micro –D Deep Thermal Refinisher. It heats your skin, creating a warm sensation and leaving your skin dramatically radiant. It’s an at-home alternative to microdermabrasion and makes you feel like you’ve shed a mask.

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One thought on “Take 10 Years Off in 10 Minutes!

  1. These are great tips. I realize the neckline on my clothes has been getting lower. May as well show what still looks good, right?!

    Also, your recommendation for the Estee Lauder Idealist Micro-D Thermal Refinisher piqued my interest and I found it for sale on eBay for about half the retail price, new in the box. I like a deal so I’m looking forward to seeing what results in I get. Thanks for the tip!

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