At some point, most of us will need glasses, but that doesn’t mean we have to look old wearing them. Here are 7 ways Not to look Old wearing glasses from eyewear expert Wendy Buchanan.
1. Color Your Face
Thin wire rimless glasses tend to make you look old. Instead, invest in colorful plastic frames. Many women choose black or brown, believing it to be a “safe” option to accessorize with everything. But as we age, black can be harsh on the face and requires a ton of makeup to pull it off.
Look for eyewear in colors that brighten and energize your face, adding sparkle to your eyes. Don’t be afraid of colored eyewear. Choose a shade that complements your complexion, eyes, and hair color. For example, green frames with green eyes can make your eyes look amazing.
Colored eyewear can also have a huge impact on how you feel, lifting your mood and making you feel better and less stressed about aging!
2. Use Your Brows as a Starting Point
Don’t get hung up on face shape rules. Most women don’t fit into a typical face shape, so they struggle with this concept. Consider the shape of your brow as a key guideline. Is your brow straight or curved? Choose eyewear that follows the same line. Going against the shape of the brow will create 2 distinct lines on the face, drawing attention away from your eyes.
3. Accentuate Your Cheekbones!
Cheekbones are a “best feature” for many women. Avoid eyewear with a downward shape that can appear to pull the face down and make you look old and tired. Select eyewear in shapes with an upward design line to accentuate and lift your cheek area, ultimately giving you a mini facelift.
4. Avoid Peering Over Reading Glasses!
Wearing magnifier readers that are perched halfway down your nose can make you appear older than your years. You may remember a teacher or grandmother looking at you over their reading glasses, and the perception can be aging.
Select eyewear in a full-frame, or opt for progressive lenses. Progressive lenses have your distance prescription at the top and your reading prescription at the bottom. No one will ever know you need readers.
5. Match Your Style Personality
Eyewear trends come and go, and it’s fun to play with different styles, but you also need a pair that is truly you – a pair that you won’t drop into your drawer after a couple of years and forget about. Invest in a signature pair of glasses that match your style and personality and are authentically you. Choose wisely because you’ll wear them for years and feel confident every time you put them on your face.
Not sure what style to select? A fine classic metal frame when your style is bold and dramatic will instantly age you. And conversely, wearing a strong, thick plastic frame in a bright color when you have a classic style will make you look like you are trying too hard.
Don’t worry about what others think, and be mindful of who you ask. Eyewear is deeply personal and reflects your individual personality. Choose a style that you love, and that makes you feel great, and go for it. You know you have the right pair when your confidence shines through.
Bonus Tip: Wear Lipstick with Your Glasses
A dash of lipstick puts things in balance and makes it look like you are wearing your frames, and they are not wearing you! Imagine how washed out Oprah would look in these heavy frames and pale lips? Mascara and eyeliner also work wonders to accentuate any frame.
Working with an independent eyewear image consultant is the best way to find your perfect pair of glasses. Wendy Buchanan from Perceptions Eyewear is tops in her field and conducts online zoom sessions worldwide with women 40+ who need help looking fabulous in glasses. When you book an online consult with Wendy, she will guide you through the process of knowing what you want and find a pair to match your personality, lifestyle, and budget – a pair that will make you look hip and modern!
Which is your favorite style of glasses and why?
I’m 90 years old. I would like to wear glasses in red, which is the latest fashion. My hair is short due to chemo and has not grown back in the crown.
Hi Bridget, So sorry you have had to go through chemo. You go for those red glasses girl! You deserve them! xo Deb
Reading about different ways to style glasses to look younger brought tears to my eyes. It’s a reminder that age is just a number and that with a little creativity and confidence, we can reclaim the vitality of our youth. It’s a beacon of hope for those of us who sometimes feel the weight of time pressing down, showing us that beauty and youthfulness are within reach, framed by the lenses we choose to wear.
Dorothy, what a beautiful observation!
Im with Deborah, absolutely I have a red pair I’m going to wear in your honor today Love from NYC
Hi Gena, Aww, I’m touched. My eyes have gone from great to terrible within a month or two – I now need glasses for the computer all the time and so my goal in the new year is to find a really cool pair. It’s going to be a lot of fun with all the cool new styles.
Maybe, I’ll get red!! Glad you popped in! Cheers, Deb
I have bags under my eyes. I would like to wear a pair of glasses that hide these awful things.
I like no 4, but I would like winged glasses. The choice is so limited.
I like #3 shape and color.
Number 3
Number 2
I like #3. It’s simple, but classy.
I like #2. It is the one that is most complementary to her hair, and it pops with color too.
I like 1 and 4!
I don’t like any of them. You look stupid if someone looks at you and all they see are glasses. All of these are overpowering. I don’t see the woman; I see the glasses. WHAT A SHAME!
I agree. I wouldn’t say I like the trend of huge colored frames. I had thin wire tortoise frames and got compliments on them everywhere I went. I found another identical frame four years ago in my local optical shop, and I regret not buying it because mine has worn out after 17 years!
I like two the best, but I am buying some that are more like 4. Two is a classic shape but not boring because of the bright color.
I don’t care for any of them. All I see are the glasses because they’re overpowering. #1 is the least
They are offensive because they match her hat.
I prefer #3 because the frames are lighter on her beautiful face and don’t distract. They follow her face shape and eyebrows perfectly. Classic, modern and elegant style.
2 is the best frame.
#3 because it looks classic & elegant
I like #3. Classy but modern, they don’t take away from her beautiful face.
I like the green glasses ???? with red hair
Chic and current trendy but not over the top
Red lipstick ???? awesome!
#2. I love the color of her face and skin tone, and the shape is so good on her face. I think it’s a classic look, and that’s my style,e too.
#1 is my favorite. I think the size fits her face well, the color compliments her skin tone, and a Cat Eye frame brings everything up on the front.
I love #1. They are fun yet classic at the same time. The rounded shape suits her. The multi-colored frames are soft on her skin tone.
I love #1 and #3. Both styles seem to reflect the wearers’ look. #4 is cute and dramatic; marvelous for a young adult like this model. #2 looks like the glasses were (badly) photoshopped in. #5 is a quirky look and would attract attention.
#2 is the only one that doesn’t look “tried” to me. She looks natural in them, they fit her face, and the color seems to go well with her complexion. The others don’t look as natural to their faces.
#3 – The frames complement the model’s beautiful bone structure.
My favorite pair of glasses is number 2. I like the rounded square shape, and the color is beautiful! I would pick them up in a heartbeat!
I like number two because they are not too big for her face
#2 making a statement but not overpowering her face
I like #2 because it compliments her face and vibe.
I like the frames in the second photo the best. Since I need to wear glasses at all times and cannot wear contact lenses, I am drawn to structures that are less ‘flashy.’
I prefer 1 or 2. They have a classic look. They fit the face well, raising the cheekbones and lifting the front.
I love #1. They’re big, draw the eye up, and have fun, bright colors!
Number one (#1) is my favorite! The model looks fabulous in these: the color and shape complement her total look, and I bet she could wear them every day as her “signature” pair. Number one is also my favorite if I were asked to choose one of the pairs shown for myself, although I would need encouragement to pick such a distinctive pair. I have worn glasses every day since I was five years old, and I always struggle to select a frame I can feel fabulous in and confident about wearing every day. My current pair are lovely (silver half-frame gentle cat-eye shape with sparkly ear pieces) but are probably better suited to someone with more gray hair and perhaps older (I’m 56 years old with 20% gray and blue eyes). Thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing for an eyewear consultation!
I like #2 I
I think the red looks good to bring out her features and her hair color also makes her face fuller and
I love #3. Her glasses draw me to her beautiful face but don’t overpower her.
I can’t decide on 2 or 4. The color of number 2 is my favorite, but I love the shape of number 4, with number 1 running a very close 2nd place. I have eight pairs of glasses – I like to change them up daily!
I like the frames in the second photo!
#1 is my favorite – I love the overall colors and the variegated colors at the temples.
I like #3. It seems significantly updated but classic at the same time.
My favorite style is #2, a classic style in a fun color.
I love number 3. They are large but not super bright for this classic style (black/white) loving gal. have half-rimless and metal glasses, so now I look old. No wonder I fight to wear them! ????
I prefer #2.
Love number 1
I choose #1. I like these glasses because of the red color and round lenses. The glasses look classy, youthful, and fun! The style I attempt to have for myself!
#2 I like the shape, and the color of the frames is just enough of a pop of color without being over dramatic.
Thanks for the article, excellent information to know when deciding what to wear.
I love the #2!!! I think they’re perfect for almost every face, no matter the shape, even tho I’ll get them in another color that matches my eyes and personality if I ever were in that position.
Thanks for your time, and keep up the excellent work!!!
Stay Safe, Michelle
#2 Is my favorite because she has a natural look without makeup, and that’s how I am. The glasses brighten her face without makeup
Number 3. Modern classic. Like the large size and somewhat square shape with uplifted corners
At first, I chose image 4, with great blue color. Then at a closer look, I saw the bridge, which I find distracting. The first pair is my favorite. I love the shape and the beret though I don”t look great in red—I have red hair and ruddy skin.
I love #2 the best, followed by #3. I always go for a squarer shape in frames and love the boldness of those red ones! Rounder frames like those in the other pictures always seem to cut into my cheeks too much.
I’m still not sure if I have the confidence to pull off such bright frames because I work in a highly conservative industry, but I am tempted to try them after reading this post!
I like the shape and color of the glasses on model #4. They seem to compliment her face shape and coloring.
I like #1. The red pops on her face!
I like #2 best…on me. My face is pale, giving me color, and the lens isn’t too big. #1 and 3 are stunning on those models…but too bold and noticeable for my personality. I wouldn’t say I like #4 as it’s boring, and #5 is a little wild for me.
2. I like the color, and they are not too large!
#3 because it seems classic and timeless, she wears the glasses. You notice her, not the drinks.
I like #2. I like the color and classic style.
I like style 3. It’s hard for me to buy a new class since my lenses are expensive. I’d love to try something new, though.
I like #1 because there are multiple colors and the lenses are large but still appealing. The round shape is flattering too!
#1 is my favorite! I love the red frames with the red beret! I love the shape of the structures and would love to invest in something similar, just not in the red tone! #2 is my second favorite. What a great post! Thank you, Deborah and Wendy!
I love the glasses worn by girl#2. I love color and these special glasses because they don’t scream, “Hey, look at me! I’m wearing glasses!” I think a lot of time; the glasses wear the person instead of the person wearing the glasses. I’m not down for granny glasses, but I’m also opposed to crazy giant glasses that hog your entire face! It leaves you wondering if, Geez Louise, there’s a face behind those big goggles?!
#1 is my favorite, probably not for me, but her look is great
#3- she looks chic, sophisticated, and elegant.
I like the playful look and pink color on the number 1 model. Having worn glasses forever( high school, and I’m retired now), I’ve never stepped out of my comfort zone with my style of frames; always classic, modest, and perhaps too safe. I would love a new and bold look.
I love the last image. Something bold, daring, and stylish… not taking over the model’s face. Good article
I think #2 is my favorite. It fits my rather conservative style but in a fun color. I’d love help choosing frames, as I had to give up on contacts last year.
I would love to try on #2 virtually! I’m a grandmother at 59, a professional at an Ivy League University, and young at heart! Thank you, Deborah and Wendy, for your terrific fashion tips!
I love the look of number 3. They look lovely and chic.
I like #3 the best for me as I have a round face, like larger frames, and want to color. I would not feel comfortable wearing a bright color all of the time. #3 looks very modern but understated. Thanks!
I like number 2.
The frames look like they fit her face well…not too big/small. The red color is good on her as well.
I like glasses #1. They seem to be a flattering shape.
3 is my fave.
I like #1 because I would wear something like that! I find it hard to get really “kicky” frames. She sounds like she has good sources.
#3 is my fav: it’s modern and draws your eye to the model’s eyes. I’m not comfortable with red frames. I usually stick with tortoise frames but need help getting out of my rut and trying out frames I would not usually choose for myself.
#1. She looks very youthful and glamorous!
I like the glasses in pic #2. They are modern without being too large or too bright!
I am interested in getting new eyewear!
#2. They look modern(ish) but also classic.
#2 is my favorite style since it accents her eyebrows without overpowering her face. The color of the frames seems to soften her face. I haven’t ventured into colored frames yet (other than black), but I like this look.
# 3 looks beautiful !! The frames are feminine and delicate, like the features on the model’s face
A perfect match!
My favorites are 2 or 3, with three being my favorite.
My favorite is number 2. The color and shape look fun and flattering on your model.
Stay the same,❤️????????
I like #3. I think it appears lightweight, which is suitable for a petite person
I love 3; they are classic and pretty.
I like #3.
I like #2 because they are colorful and not too big; they look balanced on her face.
#1, like the frame over the eyebrows raised, colors. I have fringe, so there’s that too.
I like #1 – colorful, pretty, not too wild or severe, plus they’re plastic frames, which I find so much more comfortable than the little nose pads on wireframes!
#2 is my favorite. It is always what I go for! I would love to learn more through a consultation
They are all fantastic, and I could not pick just one, so… the first one and the fourth one are my favorites!
I would prefer #2. However, I love how #3 looks and fits the model. It works so well with her features!
I like #2 because they work for both work and play. They’re not too flashy but have a style and color that look modern and young.
I like number 3. I am a senior 80 years young.
I tend to go with squared bottoms on my glasses. Not sure I can pull off rounded bottoms.
Number 1 is my favorite. It flatters her face shape, and the color looks great with her hair color and complexion.
I love number 3, although it might be the “safest” choice. I think the very last pair pictured are pretty cute as well. :)
I like #2 the best because it’s not round. The angles in the frames seem flattering.
I love them all. I have the rimless wire, and I do look old. I wish I were brave. They all look so good. I love them all.
Channeling French chic, and it isn’t just the red beret. The varied color tones of these glasses give a modern, playful look. I love the rounded shape with a slight upward tilt at the edge of the frame. Very face-flattering
I love style #3. They are classic yet different enough to provide interest.
Style #1 is a close second for my taste, and I would choose them as a second pair.
Thanks for the great tips. The eyebrows, why does no one ever say this?!
I like them all. I can’t pick just one; I got a prescription for a pair of glasses I would like to have help choosing the perfect pair of glasses. That would be awesome…
My preference is 1. They follow the rules outlined in the article…brow line, color, personality and lipstick.
I love the shape of #2 and I like the Ted. I have red glasses now, but my favorite pair of all time (I’m 60 and have been wearing glasses since I was 10!) was a metal wire pair that were purple from SEE. I wore them for over 10 years, but they finally died. I begged to SEE to revive them! No luck. If you could find a pair I love as much as I loved those, you would be my fairy godmother!
My favorite is #3 because the focus is not on the glasses but her beautiful face.
Tinay Fey is really good in impersonating Sarah Palin. Great Comedian.~,.
Yes, Sarah plain also wore need glasses when she ran for VP