5 Reasons People Think You Look Old
Let’s have a reality check. Do you look old? How can you tell? Here are five common mistakes of women over 40 that make them look older than they are. Are you guilty of these mistakes?
1. Shirt is too baggy
Many women wear loose oversized clothing because they say it is hard to find things that fit. T is partially true, but no excuse for looking frumpy. In truth, most women wear baggy clothing because they fear fitted apparel will expose all their bulges. No true! Fi ted clothing made from quality fabrics skim your curves and therefore fits and looks 100% better.
2. Blush and eyeliner are too heavy
Those cheekbones will not appear, no matter how many tons of blush you apply. Less is more with makeup as we age. As for eyeliner, be careful to make sure it looks well blended and is not a hard line. Do ‘t wear black? It will look too harsh, at least during the day—Tr brown for a softer look. On e you apply your eyeliner, go over it with some powder on a thin angled brush and blend in the line.
3. Sunglasses look outdated
Are you wearing out-of-style or scratched sunglasses? You can spend a ton or a little, but no matter the price, oversize sunglasses with wider sides will make you look current and Age-mazing! The ow out all your old ones and get an update! Fi d a new pair that makes you smile, and you will feel and look younger instantly!
4. Dressing too sexy
That might sound like a shocker to some…but dressing too young CAN make you look older! Th e’s a fine line once you hit 40 between sexy and silly, but FAB after 40 will keep you on track!
5. Hair is dry and brittle
As we age, our hair starts losing its luster. To help rejuvenate it, ensure you get a good cut regularly, condition it, and don’t use too many drying products, like mousse or hairspray. Fin ally, buy a SHINE spray to apply to style. Shi y says healthy and vibrant!
Oh, and one extra…… YOU ARE STARTING TO LOOK LIKE YOUR SPOUSE!!!! ……. see above, YIKES!!!
To get you thinking about how to take your look to the next level, pick up a copy of my e-book, Jumpstart Your Style.
Sexy and slutty should not be confused. I see many 20-something women in too short skirts, low tops, and insanely high heels, and though society says they’re allowed because they’re firm and smooth – quite honestly, they look like hookers, and they’re trying too hard. At 40, 50, and beyond, we should know better. On the other hand, one doesn’t want to be covered up like a nun either. Me, I always keep it sexy. Cleavage most definitely, but only after 9 p.m.!
Yes, there is a fine line on how to dress sexy at any age!
We like to think it is ok to wear form-fitting clothes with better quality fabrics…with skirts not too short(not more than 1-2 inches above the knee), a low neckline that is tasteful, and not all these things at one time! Pick the area you want to show off and keep the rest more conservative!
If you think it is too sexy, it probably is!
Thanks for these great tips!
Dear City Squirrel,
What a GREAT idea… Thanks for sharing. Wow, sometimes the best way to solve a problem is not the most expensive way!
Cheers! The Glam Gal, Deborah
Re sunglasses: Most stylish sunglasses are curved, which can’t be used for blended lenses. (And if you’re using anything else, stop right now and go to blended. :-)
So I was thrilled when I found a pair of semi-antique, oversize frames from the 60s at Goodwill, exactly what you’re describing. I had them made into prescription sunglasses and love love love them.