Beauty Booster: Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil Mineral Soak

When my girlfriends and I get together, we love to gab about our latest beauty finds. Since aging well is all about maintenance, maintenance, maintenance, ( you know what I mean!), we’re always comparing notes on anything that works and can cut our beauty routines in half!

We’ve come up with some great ones, including this!

Dr. Teals Mineral Soak Avocado Oil

Do you love to take baths, but find they leave your skin parched and flaky, especially in winter? Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil  Ultra Moisturizing Mineral Soak solves this problem! I know because I’ve been using it, and so has my fitness trainer Gabriela.

So here’s the story. I love taking baths, especially with Epsom salts.  In case you’re not familiar with Epsom salts, their benefits have been touted since our grandmother’s day for everything from soothing eczema to easing arthritis and making sunburn less painful. According to the Epsom Salt Council (yes, there is such a thing!), Epsom salt even works as a hair volumizer when you mix it with equal parts hair conditioner and leave the mixture in for 20 minutes.

An Epsom salt soak is heavenly when I have sore, achy muscles, or I want to de-stress. It’s like an instant detox.  The only thing is, that the salts suck all the moisture out of my body and make my already dry menopausal skin super parched and flaky.

A few weeks ago I was in the drug store looking for stocking stuffers, of all things, and I ran across Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil Moisturizing Mineral Soak. What the heck, I thought, I’d give it a try. Now I’m hooked!

Avocado oil is trendy right now ( I’ve been using it for cooking lately), but I didn’t realize it was a natural moisturizer that hydrates, nourishes, and softens dry skin. Avacado is what makes this Mineral Soak so fabulously moisturizing.

I mentioned it to my friend Gabriela, and she went on and on about it too!  We love the way it makes our skin feel so soft and silky, so we don’t have to bother slathering on moisturizer afterward. I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of lazy when it comes to applying body moisturizer, and Dr. Teal’s makes this one less thing to have to do.

Slices of fresh ripe avocado on a dark wooden table

You might think that a mineral salt with avocado oil would make your bath water slippery and slimy, but surprisingly it doesn’t, which is another thing I love about it. I find it especially useful for my feet which get super dry on the heels, and my cuticles don’t end up looking all withered up either.

If you’re a bath person but hate the way it can dry your skin, I would take Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil Moisturizing Mineral Soak for a test drive. ( Hmm, curious if Dr. Teal’s a real person?)… Anyway, so that you know, I was not given any product or paid in any way whatsoever to write this post. This is just something that I ( and my friend Gabriela) love because it works ( and that’s pretty rare these days.)  I’ll have to check out what else they have in their line, which you can buy at Amazon and Walmart.

Now over to you. Have you tried Dr. Teal’s yourself? If so, how do you like it? Any other favorite Epsom salt products or things you would recommend to balance the drying effects of an Epsom salt bath?

Finally, You may also want to have a look at my Top 10 Ways to Combat Dry Winter Skin. Cold winter weather can be brutal. This post has several products that my friends and I love and give the stamp of approval.

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2 thoughts on “Beauty Booster: Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil Mineral Soak

  1. Hi Deborah,
    I’m interested in trying Dr. Teal’s Avocado Oil Moisturizing Mineral Soak; however, I’m 66 and don’t want to slip sliding away when getting out of the tub. Does this leave the bottom of the tub slippery?
    Thanks, Teresa

    1. Hi Teresa,
      I didn’t find it slippery (like baby oil in the tub would be.) But that’s me. If you are worried, I would recommend you test a little first in the sink, but it was okay for me.