Personal Style

How to Wear Vintage Without Looking Like an Antique

Vintage StyleDear Deborah,

Can women 40 and 50+ wear vintage clothing, or do we look dated, or are we wearing dresses from our closets that we should have gotten rid of long ago? I love your blog and enjoy receiving your newsletter.

Thank you, Teri

Hi, hear you, Teri. Vintage is back in a big way. So how do you wear a throwback style without looking like you never retired it in the first place? Here are 5 ways to wear vintage without looking like an antique.

Vintage has come up before and always stirs up a lot of emotion. You either love it and consider vintage clothing gorgeous treasures, or you hate it and think of vintage as old, frumpy apparel that belongs in grandma’s attic. So, deciding to wear vintage makes a strong statement.

I think wearing it after 40 is very tricky, as you mentioned. You don’t want to look like you’ve just been lazy about updating your clothes. If I can give you any advice on how to wear retro looks after 40, it would be:

1. Don’t wear Vintage Head to Toe

Going head-to-toe vintage is aging. Instead, choose 1 vintage piece to base your outfit around and ensure that all other parts are modern. This will keep you from looking like you are time-warped to the future and avoid a costume feel. How do you think you could find stylish pieces? Look for items that have clean lines and don’t look like they belong to the past decade.

2. Wear Good Quality Vintage

There’s a big difference between a faded, worn-out 50’s sweater dumped at the Goodwill and a  clean, quality vintage one that has been lovingly preserved.

3. Mix Vintage with Modern Styles and Shapes

Wear your vintage pieces in new and different ways to soften the contrast between then and now. Wear a frilly vintage blouse that may have traditionally been worn with a skirt, skinny jeans, and equestrian boots. Try a cute vintage dress with your favorite leggings or a modern jacket. Experiment a little and see what styles and shapes help bring the past more into the present. Pair a vintage outfit with stylish or vintage accessories with a current style. For example, a vintage dress with modern nude heels and an up-to-date clutch is a great mix. All vintage can make you look like you are wearing a costume

4. Don’t Switch from Period to Period

Find out which era suits you best and stick with it. Otherwise, you’ll look like a walking time machine.

5. Get A Perfect Fit

Ensure that the vintage piece you want to wear fits perfectly- no pulling and puckering, but no sagging and bagging. Consider taking the work to a tailor to achieve a smooth fit. And if it’s a bit too tight, don’t fret: Many older garments have greater seam allowances, meaning a tailor can adjust it for a roomier fit.

6. Focus On Details

Keep your accessories minimal so that your outfit isn’t overwhelming.  Ensure that the supplements are timeless, too- like simple shoes, free of embellishment, a handbag with clean lines, and classic, streamlined vintage jewelry. This will ensure the focus is on the vintage piece and a chic look overall.

7. Choose Comeback Styles

An easy way to do vintage in a modern way is to choose pieces that are having a renaissance now. That is to say, instead of unthinkingly picking a bit from the past, pick one featured on the runways, in-store windows, and your favorite fashion magazines, blogs, and more. Vintage things that are having a moment now include full skirts and peplum tops from the 1950s, velvet (a nod to 1920s fashion), and anything from the 1990s. Pair any of these items with modern clothing and accessories, and you’re well on your way.

8. Keep a Basic Color Palette

Ensure your outfit contains 3 colors or less to keep a streamlined look. This will make all the pieces work together, regardless of the era: Too much paint will make you look all over the place, while limiting an outfit to 3 colors ensures a put-together look.

9. Know Vintage reflects Messages & Values of a Certain Period

Since clothing communicates a strong, silent message, knowing what your vintage attire says about your personality, beliefs, and goals is good. If you like to sew, you can try using old patterns.

Ultimately, you need to ask yourself, is vintage you, or are you just having fun playing dress-up? If it feels authentic for you, you will look stylish in vintage, no matter your age.

With some modern matches and some tailoring, your retro piece just got a new lease on life. And armed with these tips, you’ll be able to wear your vintage treasures and still be a thoroughly Modern Millie at  40, 50, and beyond!

*Post by Morgan Mullin.

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21 thoughts on “How to Wear Vintage Without Looking Like an Antique

  1. Great tips for styling vintage costume jewelry! The advice on mixing old and new pieces is especially useful.


  2. I know I’m late to this conversation. But I’m turning 40 this year. I’ve always loved vintage shopping and doing “thrift store chic”. It’s good to know I can still do this.

  3. I always break the rules 1, 3, and 4—nothing but compliments. People, do what you want. You’re over 40 and way past worrying about the “rules.”

  4. Some vintage such as satin brocade fit, flare dresses, and pencil skirts, can be elegant and sophisticated. Paired with a classic stiletto pump and minimal jewelry and accessories, vintage looks clean and classy. I enjoy being a bit different and always get plenty of looks and compliments!

  5. Hi! I agree with your point and article; I love vintage clothes also. This blog is dedicated to vintage and vintage-inspired loveliness from fashion, interiors, weddings, and more. The Bloggers With The Most To Say … Website: … You need to check out Vintage Love to add comments!

    1. Hi Shawna,
      You are so right…vintage is not for everyone for sure!! More than just body type, you need a sense of style reflecting the era. Many women who like to wear more Romantic styles, those with a Creative streak, or those who want very traditional things seem to have the most luck. Shoes seem to be the easiest things to do vintage~

    1. Classics are lovely…but it can still be tricky to define “classic.” Since we are all different, depending on our style “type,” we look good in various classic styles. I teach an excellent class using the Universal Style System to help define what kind of style fits our personality, goals, and body type. Very interesting for sure!!

  6. I love vintage and mostly wear little jackets from the 1960s. I usually wear them with dark jeans, a pair of nice dress pants, and a layering tee. What I find funny is that almost the same jackets are in the Banana Republic at four times the price.

  7. I adored vintage clothing and had an extensive collection of really unique pieces that were just gorgeous, most from the 30s and 40s. I gave them away not too long ago, though, to a 40-year-old woman who could wear the tiny (er) sizes and genuinely appreciated them. I am 59 years old and still find myself scouring eBay for a beautiful lace jabot or a lovely blouse to wear with leggings or jeans and a jacket and boots, but my days of being able to pull off a head-to-toe vintage outfit are far behind me! My neck has gotten creepy, and my skin tone isn’t so great anymore, so the sleeveless hostess gown in black silk will not work anymore, LOL!
    I agree with every word you wrote- and I am thrilled to have found this site! I am in a “slump” right now and need to get back on the train! Thank you for this site!
    :D :D :D And a loud round of applause to you both…

  8. Here’s a great way to incorporate vintage-influenced jewelry into your style. All my designs are created using vintage components, so you get fabulous contemporary pieces with exceptional nostalgic flair! Each design is one-of-a-kind, so you will always feel exceptional wearing it. No matter your age, this is a great way to express your femininity with the charm and elegance of that vintage look.

  9. I have a vintage peasant blouse that belonged to my mother in the 1970s when she was in her 20s. I’m 41, but whenever I wear it, I get lots of compliments, especially from women half my age! It makes me feel fantastic and close to my mother. Plus, my husband loves me in it. I think it’s possible to wear vintage in your 40s and beyond if it’s done well.