Styleblazers Series

Cyndi Spivey – A 40+ Blogger with Grace and Beauty

Back in April, I attended the rewardStyle conference in Dallas, where I met fellow blogger Cyndi Spivey.  I had such a lovely time with this warm and friendly fashionista that I wanted you to meet her too.

Cyndi hails from a small town just outside of Lexington, Kentucky, and is the creator of Grace + Beauty, a Christian fashion blog. The 49-year-old wife of a pastor loves to blog about faith and fashion, all while spreading the deeper message that true beauty begins on the inside.  Readers are drawn to Cyndi’s warm personality and real lifestyle that is pretty, practical, and modern.

Here is my interview with this Fabulous After 40 Styleblazer.

Deb: You have an interesting angle to your blog.  How did you come to combine fashion and a Christian message?

Cyndi: I get asked this question a lot but for me, it was a no-brainer. I’m a girly girl, and I love to dress up and wear makeup. I started feeling like I needed help after turning 40 with my style, and I assumed other women might feel the same way, so I started blogging about it.

Truthfully, I believe that beauty begins on the inside, and that’s why I share my faith. I have a passion to share Christ and this journey I’m on is called life. I want to look and act more like Christ each day. It’s not always easy or pretty, and I’m honest that life is hard. I’m not sugar-coating anything.

I combined both of these passions and created Grace + Beauty and for some crazy reason, it worked!

Deb: Tell us a little bit about your style and the way you like to dress.

Cyndi: I would definitely say I have a classic southern style with touches of trendy sprinkled in. Is that a style?? I love a classic southern look but I like to feel young and adding an occasional trendy piece helps keep my wardrobe modern.

Deb: This blog is dedicated to your mom. Did she have a big influence on your style?

Cyndi: My mom passed away in 2009 from cancer, and she is the one who introduced me to the blogging world. She influenced every part of my life! She was a lady through and through and loved a classic style.

The greatest gift my mom gave me was introducing me to Christ. I can’t even begin to tell you the impact that has had on my life.

Deb: You focus on practical, stylish everyday outfits. What should women over 40 keep in mind when putting together a wardrobe like this? 

Cyndi: I think it’s important as we age to find the clothes that fit and work for our body type. Once you know what to wear, it makes getting dressed much easier.

Deb: What trends are you loving for fall? Trends you wouldn’t touch?

Cyndi: Oh my, I’m loving the trends for fall! It’s obvious that this fall is 70’s inspired, and I think it is so fun. I love fringe and tassels and flare-leg jeans and pants. The colors for fall are gorgeous!

I don’t like to say never, but some of the trends I probably won’t be wearing are the choker necklaces (I do not want to accentuate my neck) and the culotte trend. I can’t get into that style of pants.

Deb: Many women struggle with casual, everyday style. What tips do you have for wardrobe essentials and for how to put outfits together without getting overwhelmed or frustrated?

Cyndi: I talk a lot on my blog about having wardrobe essentials such as great-fitting jeans, white shirts, dress pants, a classic pump, a little black dress, etc. These are the pieces I will spend more money on so they last from season to season.

Once you have some basic pieces, you can mix and match them to create different outfits. You can also add trendy accessories to create variety. If you have wardrobe essentials, you always have something to wear!

Deb: You are a pastor’s wife, so you are the perfect person to ask- What do you suggest women wear to church. What do you wear?

Cyndi: Well, I grew up in church and like everything else, what we wear to church has changed over the years. People wear anything and everything to church these days, and I’m fine with that! I don’t ever think we should get hung up on our clothes.

With that being said, I work from home so on Sundays I love to dress. I wear casual dresses especially in the warmer months and in the colder months, I wear pants with sweaters.

Deb: You are known for your gorgeous, big hair. What are your secrets for getting it so full? Have you worn it this way for a while?  How important do you think hair is in an overall look? 

Cyndi: For several years, I wore an angled bob haircut but since the first of this year, I’ve been letting it grow out. That’s not an easy process when you take pictures of yourself all the time!

I have fine hair, but I have a lot of it, so it’s easy to get a fuller look. I blow-dry it upside down and use velcro rollers to give it lots of body. My best tip is to get up 10 to 15 minutes earlier and take the time to style your hair. It’s that simple!

Deb: There’s been a big conversation around dressing age appropriately lately. Many bloggers feel age-appropriate is an outdated notion. Your thoughts?

Cyndi: Some say there are no fashion rules for women over 40 and others say there are lots of rules. I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I don’t like the word rule when it comes to dressing, but I do feel we have to look at how we dress at 40 differently than when we were in our 20s. None of us want to feel like we can’t wear something, but truthfully, there are some things that are not age-appropriate. We have all seen that woman who looks like she’s 20 from the back, but when she turns around, you see she’s much older.

There is so much we CAN wear! Have fun and dress to look your best!

Deb: You have been blogging for quite a while. Do you ever scroll through old posts and think, Why did I ever wear that? (LOL) Has your style changed much since you began blogging?

Cyndi: Yes!!! I scroll through last year’s posts and wonder what I was thinking?? Ha!

I do think my style has changed since I first started blogging because I have figured out what looks best on my body type. I’m also better at adding accessories. That can make such a difference in your overall look!

Deb: You said earlier that beauty begins on the inside. How can women who don’t feel so confident about their looks or themselves make that change?

Cyndi: Know that you are loved, and you were created in the image of Christ. You are a beautiful woman, period. We don’t have to be a size 0 to be beautiful. We were all created with different shapes and sizes, and there is beauty in each of us!

Also, start taking care of yourself. Eating healthier and exercising can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself. There’s never a better time to start than NOW.

Deb: Your Best tips for Aging Gracefully?  

Cyndi: You are here for a purpose, embrace your age and live life to the fullest!

Deb: Thank you so much, Cyndi, for sharing your faith and style with us. You are Fabulous!! Ladies, be sure to visit Cyndi at her blog, Grace + Beauty.

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8 thoughts on “Cyndi Spivey – A 40+ Blogger with Grace and Beauty

  1. Deborah,

    It was so lovely to read your feature on Cyndi. I am a fellow over-40 blogger and a follower of Cyndi’s blog. I enjoyed your questions; it was nice to learn more about her. Fashion is exciting and empowering, but it’s equally important that what’s inside shines through!


  2. I can’t remember when I started following Cindi’s blog, but I know I never miss a post or try not to! I’ve taken her advice on clothing, make-up, and hair many times, and everything has worked out beautifully! She is an excellent blog for women over 40; I also enjoy sharing her faith!


  3. Oh, how I loved this blog featuring Cyndi! She is my inspiration & I have learned a lot about what not to wear & styling my hair & clothing from her blog! Thanks for featuring her! Cyndi, you rock!

  4. I love Cyndi Spivey and enjoy her blog very much. I think of her as a sister in Christ whose purpose is to lead us women (over 40) to know Christ and how to dress modestly and beautifully! She is the role model I want my daughters to follow in fashion, other than their momma. LOL