
How to Wear Pastels in Fall and Winter

When cold weather and gray skies get me down, I wear pretty pastels to lift my spirits and elevate my style.

Soft shades like baby blue, petal pink, buttercup yellow, warm peach, lavender, and mint green are no longer reserved for spring and summer. They’re now chic all year round.

Here’s how to add modern pastels to your winter wardrobe and brighten your day.

1. Cozy Up in a Pastel Sweater

One key to looking fabulous in winter pastels is to choose heavier fabrics so the pastel color looks intentional. For example, this chunky knit peach sweater and coordinating plaid scarf feel appropriate for fall and winter.

You’ll also notice that the current trend is toward saturated pastels, making it easier to wear them year-round. 



winter pastel clothing

2. Wear Pastels with Neutrals

A foolproof way to pull off pastels in winter is to mix them with black and white. Neutral colors make the perfect backdrop for pastels and balance out their sweetness, making them look more chic. 

Pastels also look beautiful with brown, gray, navy taupe, and cream. Neutrals also make it very easy to create a classy winter tone-on-tone look.

3. Combine Pastels with Leather

This ribbed knit pastel sweater in lavender is perfect for winter when paired with edgy leather pants. 

4. Pair Pastels with Jewel Tones

Another modern and fresh color mix is a pastel with a jewel tone. Think Emerald green, deep plum, or sapphire blue. Pastel colors soften dramatic dark colors and brighten up your look.

For example, wear a fine, soft, baby blue cashmere sweater with a gorgeous sapphire blue suit. Add some icy silver pumps to enhance the cool winter vibe!

5. Mix Pastels with Something Sparkly

Sequins and sparkle are cool and icy and look fabulous with pastel winter sweaters, tops, and pants. Lean into these icy embellishments, especially at Christmastime!

Do you like the idea of wearing pastels in winter, or are they spring and summer colors for you?

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7 thoughts on “How to Wear Pastels in Fall and Winter

  1. Such inspiring ideas you are sharing here. So I decided to transfer your advice and will be sharing Pastels and Trenchcoats starting next week on my Over40 fashion blog, Oceanblue Style
    Sabina OceanblueStyle

  2. I am fashion/shopping dysfunctional and have always had to use a stylist, and there have been different ones over the years, but I have never had a core wardrobe, so I was happy to find your website. Now I’m not 40 (I wish I were) but 70 even though I’ve been told I don’t look it.

    I live in Southern California, where it is almost 100 degrees; no one is pulling out their black fall wear (like in New York), and there are no rules. It seems every sales girl says, “Wear what you like.” No wonder we women who need help look frumpy! I like wearing my comfy pajamas but can’t do that when I need to go out.

    I looked in my closet, saw it was bare, and called a stylist at an upscale department store. I ended up with one boxy, flowy outfit that the pieces couldn’t go with anything else I had, and the long necklace, which my son said looked like something from a craft fair, cost me $225.00. After I got home and took a breath away from all her “compliments,” I realized this was not me; too expensive, and everything went back except the new Coach bag.

    Bottom line, spend some time, yes it can be time-consuming, to figure out what looks good on you, and don’t just take the word of a stylist whose goal may be to sell. This website has benefited me, and I want to say keep up the excellent work.

    My “former ” stylist, if you’re reading this, you know who you are.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I’m so pleased you wrote. This is a great lesson for everyone. If you don’t feel good about it, don’t buy it. You’ve got to wear clothes that are authentic to who you are, that flatter your figure, and that you LOVE. I always say if you only like it when you buy it, you will hate it in a month. Good for you for having the strength to say no to that stylist by making the return. You know who you are, so having great style is essential. Cheers, Deborah

    2. I can empathize with you. There is a boutique (for well-heeled, trendy middle-aged women) near where I live, and they spruik they can style and outfit you. Unfortunately, they say everything looks good when the outfit doesn’t. It isn’t enjoyable, because of the little confidence in anything they say and although I like many of their clothes, I usually buy them.

  3. I do not doubt that there is an incredible energy in colors. Recently I found out that my synesthesia paintings emanate energy. Because of synesthesia, I see colors when I hear names and words. For years I have painted what I know; I paint phrases and inspirational talks. People recently told me they feel an energy flow from my paintings. They even recognize themselves in the pictures. This is so fascinating.